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“Sleep is nature's tonic for healthy living. The deeper the sleep, the healthier you are.'' - Swami Sivananda
Hardly anything is as important for our physical, mental and emotional health as good, restful sleep. While we sleep and lay down our body for the night, it regenerates, the brain can rest and is cleaned of the pollutants that accumulate during the day. So if you sleep too little and not restfully, you often suffer from symptoms such as poor concentration, forgetfulness, low stress resilience and a quickly overstimulated mind. (This can go as far as states of exhaustion that require treatment!)
In our everyday life we absorb an incredible number of different stimuli, ie our brain performs at its best every day and the body system is also constantly busy balancing our stress hormones when we get into hectic and stressful situations. Unfortunately, it has become a very dangerous norm that the outside world expects us to function like tireless machines at all times, while at best being friendly and accommodating - these expectations are now pervasive in all walks of life. For this reason, it is not surprising that insomnia has become a widespread disease, people have difficulties to rest in the evening and a feeling of restlessness is spreading. It is all the more important to create a routine for the evening hours that ensures that we find our center again and arrive at ourselves. In this blog article, we will introduce you to some tools you can make before bed.
A few notes and suggestions in advance:
Anyone who practices yoga every day sleeps much better, because holistic yoga helps the organism to be active when it needs to be active, to relax when it needs to relax and to calm down when the time of silence has come .
Meditate before sleeping . Here you will find different meditation techniques for letting go.
Saying a prayer and incorporating yoga deep relaxation into your daily evening routine will give your body and mind healing relaxation.
The yoga - deep relaxation consists of:
Deep relaxation in Savasana is an important aspect of Hatha Yoga and is practiced at the end of each yoga class to bring you into a state of complete letting go and deep calm. You can also work with elements of sound yoga and listen to healing sounds or soothing natural sounds.
Tip: Try binaural beats created specifically for relaxation and sleep
You can do the yoga deep relaxation in the comfort of your bed and then slip peacefully into sleep.
In addition, gentle Yin - Yoga sequences help to relax your body and Pranayama is also an important practice to cleanse your body and your energy system - the best breathing exercises for this are Kapalabhati - rapid breathing and Anuloma - Viloma - alternating breathing. Both exercises relieve mental tension and ensure inner peace and mental clarity. While rapid breathing has an activating and cleansing effect, alternating breathing gives you peace, serenity and balance.
“ Relax your thoughts when you go to sleep. Before going to bed, repeat a prayer or uplifting verses from scriptures, or repeat a mantra with the japa mala for a few minutes while meditating on God and divine qualities. Don't build castles in the air and stop planning when you go to sleep. Forget any bad feelings you might have toward someone. Instead, cultivate positive and pleasant thoughts. The ideal is to go to bed around 10 a.m. and to keep bedtime as regular as possible.” - Swami Sivananda on sleep.
In Vedanta philosophy, dream, sleep and waking are taken as signs that the physical world is not as real as we think. When you sleep and go to the dream world, you create your own world. When you then wake up from the dream, you realize that it was a dream and many people then try to fathom their journeys into these mystical worlds. And just as you wake up from dream sleep to waking, you can wake up from waking to enlightenment - the great and ultimate goal of yoga. The deep sleep state is considered samadhi without awareness. It is said that when you are fully conscious in deep sleep, you have attained enlightenment. Patanjali also says in the Yoga Sutra that you can rise above obstacles if you meditate on the realizations of dreams and deep sleep.
If you feel restless and restless in the evening, practice yoga.
The yoga practices have so many gifts and valuable ones ready for us, we just have to accept them gratefully and integrate them into our lives.
The Lotuscrafts team wishes you restful evening hours and a healthy sleep.
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