Der Sattel – Supta Virasana

| yin yoga

The Saddle – Supta Virasana

In this video, Yin Yoga teacher Helga Baumgartner explains the Saddle position, a lying and revitalizing backbend that opens the entire front of the body and, depending on the position of the arms, also the chest.


Find a quiet place if you want to try the exercise with Helga. Make sure that no noise disturbs you during the implementation and take enough time to stay in the position.
To do this exercise, you need a mat or blanket, a yoga roller, and a block.

Start at the front edge of your mat, sitting on your shins. Put a block behind you and place it parallel to the end of the mat. Then take the yoga roller and place it parallel to the long side of the mat on the block. Make sure the block at the top is under the roll.
Now lay your upper body on the roller and leave your pelvis on the floor. Move back until your back is comfortable and spread your arms out to your sides. A slight pressure in the lower back is desirable in this position.

Your breath should flow smoothly during the exercise. If you find your breathing getting shaky, use more tools or come out of the pose sooner.

Effects of Yin Yoga Pose:

This pose opens the full length line of the front of the body, the front of the thighs and the chest and creates a slight pressure in the lower back.

Stimulates the Stomach and Spleen meridians and activates the Kidney meridian

The pose has a revitalizing effect and can help to calm down.

The Saddle Yin Yoga

holding period:
As a beginner, hold this position for about 3-5 minutes. If you are practiced, you are welcome to stay longer in this asana.

Getting out of the saddle can feel like an adventure. But it's very easy: Grab your heels with your hands, get on your elbows and then lift your chin towards your breastbone. You come out of the asana the same way you went in. It can be very comfortable if you first lean to one side to release one leg from the pose and then to the other side. Very agile people can release their legs from the pose one after the other. Then put your tools aside and remain in a comfortable supine position for up to two minutes.

Products in the video :
Yoga roll Restorative 24 cm, in white
Yoga block cork Supra Grip
Yoga mat "Mudra" Studio

The video was created in cooperation with yogamehome.

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