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| Meditation
Today we will introduce you to an exciting meditation technique: the meditation on the third eye from yoga. Focusing on the area between the eyebrows (third eye), this meditation represents clarity and intuition. In our turbulent everyday life with its large amount of information, an intuitive navigation system would often be very practical. Sometimes we're in touch with our inner voice, but other days we mistake our gut for an indigestion and make three wrong turns before we reach our destination.
"If you live without being intuitive, it's like driving a car that has no rear or side mirrors. You can only see what is right in front of you.” (Yogi Bhajan)
Fortunately, our intuition can be trained. Third eye meditation is a wonderful way to become more aware of your entire reality and to strengthen your intuition. Our intuition is associated with the 6th chakra – the brow chakra or Ajna chakra (Aja = knowledge). It promotes contact with inner wisdom. Since ancient times, the 3rd eye has been revered in many cultures and seen as a symbol that can rise to all of life's challenges, as it follows inner wisdom. In some books the third eye is associated with the pineal gland . The ancient Egyptians gave it a central spiritual meaning as the seat of the soul under the name "Eye of Horus".
The third eye is in the middle of the forehead. You can find your third eye by placing a finger on your forehead between your eyebrows and from there directing your attention inward toward the center of your head. The Ajna Chakra is the seat of free will and self-knowledge. If you focus on your 3rd eye in meditation, you will calm down and gain control over your mind and your emotions over time. At the same time, the brow chakra is closely linked to the ability to visualize and helps you to access your inner voice. Clarity in thinking and decision-making power are promoted.
For this meditation use the Kalesvara mudra for the brow chakra . The thumb and middle finger touch at the tips, the other fingers touch at the phalanges.
Those who make their way inwards will not only find light and joy there, but also the knowledge of their transience, together with fears and unpleasant experiences. That can be overwhelming. Anyone who is serious about opening their third eye should therefore do so together with an experienced meditation teacher in order to remain calm and composed in the eye of the storm. Especially in Kundalini Yoga, well-founded meditations on the third eye are known.
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1 comment
Meike Lehmann
55 days ago
Ich gebe am Wochenende einen Visionsworkshop und Eure Ajna-Meditation wird dabei ein wichtiger Impulsgeber sein! Deshalb DANKE!
Euch ein gesundes neues Jahr mit vielen magischen und erfüllenden Momenten!