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| Ayurveda
In our previous blog post you have already received many useful insights into the world of Ayurveda and now you know what it is all about. According to the basics of Indian healing art, the primary aim is to maintain or restore balance with the help of diet and lifestyle adjustments , with the energies that are characteristic of each person.
These are the so-called Doshas: Pitta, Vata and Kapha
If certain doshas are too strong or too weak, then there is a disorder in the entire body system that can make people both physically and mentally ill. According to Ayurvedic teachings , the imbalance can be remedied by a targeted selection of foods, herbs, massage oils and special forms of meditation and yoga, as well as by cleansing the body . You can find more information about this here .
With the following article we would like to accompany you one level deeper into the application of Ayurveda, namely in your yoga practice.
Ayuryoga is the practice of Hatha Yoga and meditation according to Ayurvedic guidelines. Ayuryoga takes into account Dosha (constitution), Prakriti and Vikriti, life situation, body and psyche of the human being.
It is the name for the combination of Ayurveda and Yoga. Ayurveda is the wisdom of life (veda - knowledge, wisdom; ayus - life). Yoga is an exercise system for the development of body, mind and soul. Yoga means unity, union and connection. Ayur Yoga includes yoga exercises in connection with Ayurveda.
Ayuryoga recognizes that Ayurveda and Yoga form one entity and offers an integrated, individualized and therapeutic approach to health, vitality and joy. It is based on the tenet that we do not conform to yoga practice, but that yoga practice should be unique to support us and our needs for health and vitality. This individualized approach views each of us as a unique being, not only in terms of our genetic make-up, but also in terms of how we arrive at imbalance and eventually disease. Ayurveda offers a profound framework for understanding the human body, our constitution and above all for the development of diseases and their causes. Both Yoga and Ayurveda restore the flow of prana (energy flow). Ayurveda utilizes food, diet, lifestyle, therapeutic treatments and herbal applications, while Yoga offers pranayama, asana, meditation, mudra and ethical living practices to support the body, mind and spirit. Yoga also gives us techniques to direct prana. Through yogic sadhana practices we can induce purification of the mind to support the therapeutic and healing practices of Ayurveda that enhance our well-being.
Effect General: Ujjayi harmonizes body and mind, deepens the exhalation and has a balancing and relaxing effect.
Effect on the Doshas:
Vata and Pitta are reduced when Ujjayi is practiced for a sufficient period of time. In Pitta, it also regulates the digestive fire. Breathing should be calm and slow. The emphasis on exhalation also reduces Vata and Pitta.
Kapha is stabilized with the help of ujjayi if the pranayama is also practiced long enough. The inhalation is forceful with a pause in breath and ends with a forceful exhalation.
Effect General: intensively activates the metabolism, improves the absorption of life energy, has a warming and stimulating effect on body and mind
Effect on the doshas: the fire breath is particularly effective in all Kapha disorders and also in Vata disorders with poor metabolism. It reduces Vata if not practiced for too long and also significantly reduces Kapha due to the heating effect. Fire breath is unsuitable for Pitta disorders , as it greatly increases Pitta.
Effect General: cools and calms the body, helps to regenerate the body physically and mentally, promotes inner clarity and alignment
Effect on the doshas: very effective for all Vata and Pitta disorders. Vata is reduced by the calming effect and Pitta is also significantly lowered if pranayama is practiced long enough. The sedative effect of Chandra Bhedana is unsuitable for Kapha disorders.The origins of Ayurveda and Yoga can be found in the Vedic scriptures and contain insights into the connections of life, which were revealed by sa...
Continue readingMantras ( also mantras ) are usually recited or sung at the beginning and end of a yoga session or meditation. Among other things, they form the f...
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